Equine Therapy at Fulshear
Life at Fulshear At Fulshear, we have a variety of special horses who love their job! A typical…
Dual Diagnosis in Young Adult Women
By: Kevin Randall, LMFT, Clinical Director Every one of the young women who come to Fulshear Treatment…
Dealing Drugs to Deal with Life
Do you struggle with regulating your emotions and coping with them by using self-destructive behaviors; such as using…
Advocating for You!
One of my biggest passions in life and here at Fulshear Treatment to Transition is the power…
Is my teen at risk for violence?
In the wake of the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School this week, many parents are asking…
“Legal” by Design: Easily Accessed Intoxicants
Part two of a two-part series on easily accessed substances frequently abused by teens and young adults….
Low-Stimulus vs. Enriched Classrooms: A Matter of Balance
Ironically, at the same time that low-stimulus environments are being touted as essential for special needs students,…
What is Multisystemic Treatment?
Multisystemic treatment, or MST, is a comprehensive treatment model for adolescents with behavioral and emotional issues. An…
Parenting and Family Life: The Living Room
This series of blogs is designed to serve as a reminder of some basic building blocks for…
Self Advocacy: A Critical Life Skill for Young Women
For young adults, in particular, self-advocacy is a critical life skill that has emotional, vocational, and academic…