Honoring Life: A Graduation Poem

Honoring Life

To my parents, my brothers, my extended family, my friends both animal and human, my therapists, my mentors…
To the stranger I pass on the street. The kind eyes who met mine.
To the ear that listened and held my words as precious.
To the ones who stand with me in this lifetime.
To the life that comes rising along with the sun, that opens my eyes, that floods my body with vitality and vigor.
To the love that spills from light.
To the fighting, the warring, the violent storms that crash within me, and around me.
To the ones that come to help show me what hurts, in order to be healed.
To the people who are on this healing journey with me, that are not allowing me to stay small, \nbut are forcing growth to come bursting forth from the wound that binds us together.
To the remembering of who I am.

To the glimpses of my formless beauty, my unstoried self.
To the heartbeat of my humanity, the tenderness of learning to walk without hands to hold.

To the gentle, most incredulous journey we are all on.
To the breaking free from our painful, conditional joy and happiness.
To loving someone and needing nothing in return.
To the giving of yourself to the fires that come to burn your restrictive walls to ash.
To the coming home. And leaving. And coming home, again.

To the fear found in my clenched fists, my sore shoulders, my shallow breath.
The gilded knot in my stomach.

To the fear that seizes the homes of the places within me that are not aligned with my intrinsic self.  To the fear that is there to remind me, relentlessly, of the places I need to open my eyes, the places I need to love. The places that made me forget who I was, before I learned to clench against it all. To the dark nights, the relief of the moon, the soft earth that forms to cradle the shape of my foot.
To the crickets and the birds who sing our world into harmony,
To the flowers that wish to sit on my windowsill, the trees that grow to reach the most sunlight. To the grass that sways, and soothes. To the webs the spider tirelessly builds overnight, only to be torn down in the light of day.
To the life that pulses in exaltation below my feet, every day that I’m alive.
To the portal it offers into remembrance of our wholeness.
To our source of unconditional love.

To the beauty that comes from hitting the rocks at the bottom of the well.
To the surrender that comes after I have been squeezed of my last drop of control.
To the overwhelming freedom that lives there behind everything I diligently carry.

To the gift of letting go. To the outstretching of palms. To the miracles born of not doing, but being.
To the gravitational pull that constantly tugs us towards center, even when we are screaming in the other direction.
To the constant unearthing of who we really are.
To our valiance, our fortitude, our constant learning.
To our courageous, beautiful selves.
To the purity of who we are, the mighty force we were born as.
To the vulnerable, most magnificent heart in our chest.
To the world of wonder, shrouded in every soul.
To the beautiful life I get to live…

I would like to say, ‘Thank You.’
I would like to share my most sincere gratitude, and love, and appreciation to the beautiful life I get to live.
I would like to say a most sincere thank you to everyone in this room that has seen my light when I could not.
To the gratitude that sits in my heart for this journey at Fulshear.