


Dudley is a miniature horse whose age is unknown. He was rescued by Fulshear’s Equine Specialist and spent a year on her family’s ranch before becoming a part of the herd at Fulshear. He is very confident in himself and strives to keep healthy boundaries with all those he encounters – horse or human. However, he is welcoming and generous with affection. Dudley spent many years alone with little attention or connection, making him very grateful for the wonderful life he now leads and the love he gets from Fulshear’s clients. His past of being alone, ignored, and only fed just enough shows how resilient he is – he still seeks connection and relationships, though is wary about letting others too close, hence his strong boundaries. Dudley demonstrates how to live in the moment and value the healthy relationships we make along the way. He is excellent at teaching the clients at Fulshear that they are worthy of connection, love and respect, no matter what their paths in life have been.