Healthy, Strong & Influential Program

Healthy Women+

For those that start off their time at Fulshear at the Ranch, you’ll focus on becoming Healthy. We want you to live out the following definition of Healthy:

Healthy women+ know how to care for themselves. They understand their emotional, spiritual, and physical needs and have learned to create balance with appropriate and healthy self-care. They understand their core meaning and live accordingly. They know their personal worth and value and are not influenced by those who would degrade or demean them. When they feel out of balance, they take steps to restore their health.

Strong Women+

Following a period of time on The Ranch (if applicable), you’ll transition to the apartment community. There you’ll focus on issues related to personal strength and influence. Again, assignments are given to help you live with strength according to the following definition of Strong:

Strong women+ have internal strength. They are a force for good in their own lives and are respected by others because of their ability to maintain their health and act out their values. They do not waver in decisions that would compromise their integrity. They act with effectiveness, moral power, firmness, and competence. When they feel a lack of strength they revisit their personal values, reevaluate personal decisions and restore their strength.

Influential Women+

Prior to completing the program, you’ll demonstrate the ability to positively influence those around you. Your influence will impact your community, family, and all other relationships. You’ll live according to the following definition of Influential:

Influential women+ are a compelling force for good. They influence their family, peers, and community in ways that contribute to the benefit of those groups. They influence the people around them in ways that provide better opportunities for themselves as well as others. They discover that they can have a positive influence in the moment. Influential women perceive how lives can be improved for generations to come because of their efforts. When they feel a lack of influence, they assess the quality of their relationships and their own health and strength.

Take the First Step Toward Lasting Independence