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Take the First Step Toward Lasting Independence

Residential Treatment and Transitional Living Program for Young Adult Women

Fulshear Treatment to Transition is a residential treatment and transitional living program that enables young adult women like you to become healthy, strong, and influential. This is your journey.

What We Do

We treat young adult women struggling with depression and anxiety, as well as mood, personality, addiction, trauma and attachment disorders. Using techniques that do more than correct or replace behaviors, we focus on creating lasting change.

Who You'll Meet

Fulshear is a place of comfort and healing. It’s a loving and challenging environment where you’ll develop trusting, caring relationships with the staff and other clients. Staff and clients will guide, encourage and inspire you to be the person you want to become.

“If you’re looking at Fulshear, my advice would be to take that leap and just do it. You just have to show up, you don’t have to be perfect. You can be at rock bottom like I was, but as long as you’re willing to help yourself and have any glimpse of hope to get better, Fulshear is the place for you…”

– Rose, Fulshear Alumni

Take a Virtual Tour

Take the first step today.

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10514 Oberrender Rd
Needville, TX 77461


[email protected]

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